Hare & Pheasant (Olive) Black Tungsten

Price Each: NZ$4.00
Overseas Orders Tax Free Price: $3.478264 Selection Total: $0.00
Overseas Orders Tax Free Price: $3.478264 Selection Total: $0.00
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Product Description
Often there can be lot of those vey dark olive coloured nymphs on the stream beds rocks and this is where this nymph comes into it's own. It works, best sizes 14 & 16
Product Reviews: Hare & Pheasant (Olive) Black Tungsten
out of 5
John A
Location: Tasman
January 31st, 2023
Great service - As usual very prompt service from Steve. The Black & Olive TB did the trick on NI rainbows and were still holding together after a hard day at the Office
Recommend to a friend? yes