Buggy Nymph Legs
Your Price: $10.85
Product Description
Buggy Nymph legs are a thinner version of the sili legs - designed for nymphs and dries - make your flies look more realistic with Buggy Nymph Legs
Listed in order from left to right - the picture makes some colours look lighter than they are
Product Reviews: Buggy Nymph Legs
out of 5
Location: Rotorua
August 21st, 2024
Buggy nymph legs - I purchased 2 packs of the olive expecting them to look like in the picture a sort of lighter brown colour but the ones I received looked nothing like it. Be careful if you are wanting a specific colour for flies you are wanting to tie. A better close up photo of each colour would be better from a customers point of view.
Note From Store Owner: Yes there will always be some variation from the photos, firstly because of lighting, but also differences in the dying process between batches...
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