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Hends Rollers - Knots and how to use them


What are the main benefits of the Roller?
prevents the unpleasant wrapping-up of the suspended fly round the main leader
enables the quick interchange of the fly/dropper
saves materials so enables one to use even the relatively expensive fluorocarbon economically
thanks to the free rotation, it enables a perfect non-disturbed presentation of the  fly in all layers of water as well as on the water surface

Short summary of our knowledge
make the main leader from thicker monofilament than the dropper; then you'll  lose hopefully only the dropper fly, but not the whole main leader
The Roller is of sufficient strength to withstand the biggest fish
Roller is so tiny and is clear in colour so that you need not be worry about the negative influence on fish
if you are less skilled, prepare your main leader safely at home
The hole in the Roller has a diameter 0.3 mm, which is enough for the standard monofilament which are normally used in all fly fishing techniques

Shows how to position the roller above the tippet knot

And the knot used to attach the dropped to the roller

And an alternative loop

With a Micro Ring

And how to set up multi droppers


Steve Gerard



www.flyshop.co.nz  Trout Flies & Fly Fishing Tackle Online in New Zealand

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