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Green Beetle

Step by Step tying tutorial

Beetle ( Green )

How to tie the Green Beetle
Fly Tying Details;
Green Beetle
12 - 14
Kamasan B170 or Tiemco 921
Danville Thread Mono cord 3/0 Brown - this is stronger thread so is good for handling the deer hair. Danville 210 is an alternative
Dyed Brown Deer Body Hair or Brown Glister
Green Swiss Straw or for a real metallic look use Green Loco Skin, which is a thin foam material
Brown neck or micro saddle hackle
The Green Beetle imitates the native Manuka Beetle which is active during summer starting to appear in November and continues into February when the trout will feed actively on them. Unlike the Brown Beetle the Manuka Beetle is active during day light hours when the wind will blow them onto the water - sometimes in great numbers.
Step by Step Tying Instructions: Green Beetle

Green Beetle Step and Step tying instructionsFirst step is to wind some thread onto the hook, a good idea to glue the thread and while still wet as this will stop the fly rotating and from sliding up and down the hook.

How to tye a Green BeetleNext we tie in the Green Swiss Straw. It's a good idea to open up the strand and fold it neatly together again before tying in as it will lay better then.

Brown Deer Body Hair

Select some brown Deer Body Hair to make the body

Spinning Deer Hair

Lay a small bunch of the deer hair across the hook at the rear of the fly and wind some thread around it, as you do so let the hair spin around the hook, it'll all splay out in all directions. Push the hair back out of the way and add another lot in front keep adding it till you have built up the body.


On smaller flies like these it's easier to use shorter lengths of hair, save on wastage too.


spinning the green beetleMake sure you leave enough room to tie in the hackle!! Then it's time to start trimming the deer hair

rotary vice in action



Clip the deer hair away to shape the body in that round beetle shape.

Note the use of the rotary vice, makes the job easier



Trimed with the hackle ready to be woundOnce the body is shaped tie in the hackle, about three winds is all that's needed
Tye off the Swiss StrawTie off the hackle then holding it down out of the way bring the Swiss Straw forward over top and tie that in. One little tip here is to use a sharp blade to cut off the excess instead of scissors as the blade will give a closer cut, but be careful, if you cut your thread you're in trouble!
Finished Green BeetleWell not as neat as what the experts can do, but it will catch fish!
Glister beetleSteve's Glister Green Beetle

Try a Glister Beetle by substituting Brown Glister instead of Deer Hair. It's easier to tie The Glister gives the suggestion of the Metallic Green of the Green Beetle plus the fibres also give the impression of legs.....the fish love them so that really all that matters  Trout Flies & Fly Fishing Tackle Online in New Zealand

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