Extract from our Dec 2005 newsletter Becoming the Expert Angler <b>Casting Tip<br><br> Intro to the Double Haul.</b><br><br> Once the basic cast is mastered, adding a double haul to your repertoire will add to your ability to cast in windy conditions and to gain extra distance. The Double Haul can really turbo charge your cast and allows you to send mini Exocet missiles zinging across the water...<br><br> The Double Haul basically increases your line speed through the air, without the need of increasing the rod speed further. <br><br> In fact the Double Haul once perfected will change the shape of your loops, making them much more aerodynamic, a tighter U or V shape can be achieved. <br><br> Initially as you learn the Double Haul, you just need to focus on the action with your line hand, get familiar with it before you worry about too much more. Once you have it working for you basically then you can start to work on refining the timing. <br><br> So lay out some line on the water. Start with your line hand up close beside your rod hand. As you pick up the line to start your cast, pull down with your line hand. (That's the first haul, easy enough) As the line fires back behind you, let your line hand drift back up to be beside the rod hand again. The line between hand and rod should stay tight as your hand travels back up. (Your line needs to be clean and slick for this to work well, some Tiemco Line Dressing will turbo it up and have the line sliding through the guides sweetly). <br><br> As you start your forward stroke, pull down on your line hand again, then have your hand drift back up to your rod hand again...And that's a basic Double Haul. Get comfortable with that and the new actions, then you'll be able to work on refining the timing to gain even more from performance....but more about that in a later newsletter<br><br> Steve<br> Flyshop<br> 2005 Set yourself up for success To get the best out of your fly line - keep it lubed up!! I carry a small cloth soaked in this in my vest, stored in a snap lock plastic bag - apply as needed Shop Tiemco Fly Line Dressing