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First step is to split the foam down the middle so you have a half round, use a sharp knife or you can cut them carefully with scissors. The half round makes a smaller neater body.
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Cut one end on the diagonal, this will make it easier to tie in and it wont form a big lump when you wind over it.
3 |
Wind the thread onto the hook
4 |
And apply glue over the thread, tie in the foam at the rare of the hook with a couple of turns of thread
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Take the thread to the front and while the glue is still wet tie in the foam and wind it forward.
6 |
Wind the foam forward carefully, don't stretch it too much as it will break but you can vary the thickness with a little stretching, which will help on size #18 hooks
Secure with the thread, and pull the tag gently to break it off
7 |
Build up a small head with the thread, apply some glue and you're all done