Furs / Hairs

Fur's and Hairs for all fly tying needs from rabbit strips to seal fur, possum tails to squirrel tails plus much more.....
Bucktails - White (Natures Spirit)

Bucktails - White (Natures Spirit)

Your Price: $59.99

Calf Body Hair

Calf Body Hair

Your Price: $13.30

Calf Tail White

Calf Tail White

Your Price: $16.20

Crosscut Rabbit Strips

Crosscut Rabbit Strips

Your Price: $11.80

Deer Body Hair

Deer Body Hair

Your Price: $13.50

Bull Elk Body Hair (Natures Spirit)

Bull Elk Body Hair (Natures Spirit)

Your Price: $18.50

Deer Body Hair (Natures Spirit)

Deer Body Hair (Natures Spirit)

Your Price: $16.75

Black Barred Magnum Rabbit Strips

Black Barred Magnum Rabbit Strips

Your Price: $15.65

Frostip Rabbit Strips

Frostip Rabbit Strips

Your Price: $12.95

Hare Fur Patch

Hare Fur Patch

Your Price: $13.60

Premium Hare Mask (Natures Spirit)

Premium Hare Mask (Natures Spirit)

Your Price: $39.99

Magnum Rabbit Strips

Magnum Rabbit Strips

Your Price: $11.50

Moose Body Hair & Mane (Natures Spirit)

Moose Body Hair & Mane (Natures Spirit)

Your Price: $21.95

Premo Deer Hair Strips

Premo Deer Hair Strips

Your Price: $19.99

Rabbit Fur Patch

Rabbit Fur Patch

Your Price: $5.20

Snowshoe Rabbits Feet

Snowshoe Rabbits Feet

Your Price: $20.70

Squirrel Tail

Squirrel Tail

Click on product for pricing

Faux Bucktail

Faux Bucktail

Your Price: $19.45

Tiger Barred Magnum Rabbit Strips

Tiger Barred Magnum Rabbit Strips

Your Price: $7.99