New Flies

Here are our newest flies to share with you,
Cdc Brown Beetle

Cdc Brown Beetle

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Cicada Para Style

Cicada Para Style

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Cicada - Deadly Foam

Cicada - Deadly Foam

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Ninny Cricket Cicada

Ninny Cricket Cicada

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Super Cdc Caddis Bl

Super Cdc Caddis Bl

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Cdc Super Sleuth Bl

Cdc Super Sleuth Bl

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Little Brown Bug

Little Brown Bug

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Cdc Dads Favourite

Cdc Dads Favourite

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Nz Mayfly Emerger

Nz Mayfly Emerger

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Jmc Nymph Brown

Jmc Nymph Brown

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Jmc Nymph Olive

Jmc Nymph Olive

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Otters Soft Egg Tangerine

Otters Soft Egg Tangerine

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